
Our Service offering

We support our members with day-to-day operational and compliance requirements and issues and provide strategic views and direction across a wide range of industry priorities, change, regulatory developments and consultation.

The PIMFA Operations Committee comprises Chief Operating Officers (COO)s and Heads of Operations from our wealth management and financial advice membership. The Committee explores a wide range of operations-related topics, including Euroclear and CREST updates, cybersecurity and operational resilience, digitisation, T+1 settlement, cash management, funds settlement, operational queries and the sharing of best practices and guidance.

The Operations Forum is a monthly webinar open to all PIMFA members and associates. These hour- long webinars include regular updates from Euroclear and the PIMFA Regulation Policy team, plus presentations from firms and associates on a wide range of topical operational issues. The webinars are also available to view on the PIMFA website.

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