
The Story So Far

Q3 2024
UK Accelerated Settlement Taskforce to publish final recommendations
Q3 2024
ESMA to submit Cost Benefit Analysis and recommendations on EU move to T+1 settlement
27 & 28 May 2024
US and Canada markets move to T+1
08 May 2024
PIMFA launch their T+1 Accelerated Settlement Microsite.
May 2024
US shortened settlement cycle to T+1 effective .
Q1 2024
Taskforce Chairman's report and recommendations to be published with list of questions for further consideration.
18 December 2023
Third letter from Taskforce Chairman published, more engagement, widespread support for T+1, target date for UK T+1 TBA, next steps to include formation of Technical Group with a series of workstreams.
02 October 2023
PIMFA forms a collaborative group with the International Securities Association for Institutional Trade Communication (ISITC) and the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) to investigate the impacts of T+1.
18 July 2023
Taskforce Chairman publishes second letter, updates on engagement, scope, direction of travel, issues and benefits.
04 May 2023
Taskforce Chairman Charlie Geffen publishes first letter reporting progress on engagement, project scope and structure, and next steps.
March 2023
EU cross-industry T+1 Taskforce created, involving 15 Trade Associations
09 December 2022
Chancellor of the Exchequer unveils 'Edinburgh Reforms' including Terms of Reference for Accelerated Settlement Taskforce to look at introduction of T+1 settlement in the UK.
December 2022
UK Government launches Accelerated Settlement Taskforce.
17 November 2022
Chancellor of the Exchequer presents Autumn Statement highlighting financial services as one of the UK's five key growth sectors.

Almost there...

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